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Portfolio Review

Click here, for a sneak peak at our portfolios! Enjoy and come back to watch us grow!

In this project, our young artists/designers were introduced to Wix Templates and the Wix Editor to develop their online portfolios. The requirements for the Portfolio Review are; a) create a portfolio URL (Uniform Resource Locator) also known as your web address, b) name the portfolio in the site header, c) change and link the project 1 image to the project 1 page, d) change the 3 images to represent the Art Process used to develop the project, e) edit the title and paragraph to explain the steps experienced in the project, and f) include a link/button back to the 21st Century Hawks website. Each young artist/designer independently created their own portfolio. Aloha!

Here are a few examples, click the images below.

You can create beautiful wixsites too! Go to

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