Personal Reflection - Pog BanWrite a 3-paragraph essay. Think about the topic, argument, persuasion, pros, and cons. Purpose: clearly communicate your claim, topic,...
The Marshmallow ChallengeWhile strengthening "Collaboration" skills has its challenges, the Marshmallow Challenge proved to be a fun activity to practice the 21st...
Personal Reflection - 21st Century SkillsWrite a 3-paragraph essay. Think about the topic, argument, persuasion, pros, and cons. Purpose: clearly communicate your claim, topic,...
Hawai‘i Masterpiece Team Project - Oil PastelLearning Objective - Students will be able to: Demonstrate skills by creating an original work of art using OIL PASTEL materials,...
Mission PAWsible"Be An Animal Hero" Your next mission is to be an animal hero! Enter the Hawaiian Humane Society’s Mission PAWsible Contest to tell us...
2017 Math Game Hawai‘i - Dimension UCongratulations!!! Nanakuli Intermediate math teams competed in the 2017 Math Games Hawai‘i at the University of Hawai‘i West ‘Oahu...
11th Toyota Dream Car Art Contest"Imagine. Create. Inspire." It all begins with dreams. One of the largest global art contests where children share ideas about the future...